
Posts Tagged ‘IF’

SharePoint 2013 – List Validation

November 26, 2013 2 comments

One of my friend recently asked me how to apply list validation in SharePoint 2013. I explained him and thought of documenting it so others can use it for reference.

To start with I am trying to enforce the following requirement

There is a list with 3 choice columns “A”, “B”, and “C”. In any of these columns a value = “None” is not allowed.


Open list setting


Click on Validation Settings


Now you can apply formula and a message which will appear if validation fails


Formula uses the IF condition for validation. The general syntax is IF(condition, true case, false case).
First we will check if column “A” is not equal to “None”, then only go and validate “B”. The same logic is applied for validating “B” and then “C”
